Creating a "profile" for ReSpec
John Kemp
2015-08-22 11:13:31 UTC

I have been working as an editor of the FIDO Alliance specifications.

A long time ago, we used a previous version of ReSpec to create the HTML specifications, such as this one: https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-uaf-v1.0-ps-20141208/fido-uaf-overview-v1.0-ps-20141208.html

We would like to start using a more recent version of ReSpec to provide some new features to our editors, and I would like to understand the best way of integrating this new version of ReSpec into our documents, given that we have some specific JS, CSS and HTML files already. I note that the ReSpec development guide suggests that creating your own profile of ReSpec is “trivial”: http://www.w3.org/respec/dev.html#defining-your-own-profile, and it sounds like what we have done is to create our profile already.

Any advice on the best way to move from an old fork of ReSpec to tracking the latest version, and how I might best move our existing templates onto the new version of ReSpec?


- johnk
