Philippe Le Hégaret
2018-07-25 19:48:07 UTC
When Process 2018 came into effect, one of the major changes was the
ability for W3C produce an Amended Recommendation to update a
Recommendation [1], without adding new features, parallel to the way a
Working Group produces an Edited Recommendation. This was an important
update since it gave us a path to update a Recommendation if no Working
Group was chartered to maintain a Recommendation.
The transition requirement document was updated accordingly [2].
The next step was to streamline the management of errata. W3C published
a lot of Recommendations over the years and lots of them remain relevant
to today's Web.
To facilitate the editing and handling of errata, we're proposing a
workflow based on GitHub issues (kuddos to Ivan Herman for initiating it):
The intent is to spread this workflow to existing W3C Recommendations
(we've been requiring all W3C Recommendations to have a GH repository
for comments since last year).
Comments here or on GH are welcome.
ability for W3C produce an Amended Recommendation to update a
Recommendation [1], without adding new features, parallel to the way a
Working Group produces an Edited Recommendation. This was an important
update since it gave us a path to update a Recommendation if no Working
Group was chartered to maintain a Recommendation.
The transition requirement document was updated accordingly [2].
The next step was to streamline the management of errata. W3C published
a lot of Recommendations over the years and lots of them remain relevant
to today's Web.
To facilitate the editing and handling of errata, we're proposing a
workflow based on GitHub issues (kuddos to Ivan Herman for initiating it):
The intent is to spread this workflow to existing W3C Recommendations
(we've been requiring all W3C Recommendations to have a GH repository
for comments since last year).
Comments here or on GH are welcome.